Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love and lust in the NFL

Miles Austin & Kim Kardashian
Even if you’ve never watched a football game, chances are you know a couple of players. That’s because they often grace the pages of gossip magazines on the arm of some starlet or celebutante. Kim Kardashian is one such lady who loves her some NFL meat. Unfortunately for Miss Kardashian, her latest football love, Miles Austin, reportedly ended their fling last week. The two dated over the summer but apparently now that the season has started, Austin, a wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, has no more time for the high-maintenance Kardashian.

Kim with former flame Reggie Bush
Austin is not Kardashian’s first NFL conquest. You probably remember seeing her former flame, Reggie Bush, on the cover of every celebrity news magazine last March. These two loved attention, but apparently Bush, 25, was not ready to cave to Kardashain’s demands for a ring, so he called it off. Bush’s luck seems to have taken a turn for the worse since the breakup, however. Last February, while still with Kardashian, his team the New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl. But last Monday just a week into the season, Bush broke his leg on the field.

Cutler & Cavallari
Leinart & Cavallari

The two were introduced by Matt Leinart in 2007. Leinart is the back-up quarterback for the Houston Texans, and has dated/drunkenly groped Paris Hilton as well as Kristin Cavallari. Cavallari has now moved on to Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler. They’ve been dating since August, and according to a recent interview with Cutler “It’s working out so far.” Not exactly a gushing response, but I guess she has to take what she can.

Boller & Reid

Boller & Prejean

As you can see, these people seem to date within groups – like high school. Another group has a couple that actually made it to the altar this summer. Former beauty queen Carrie ““that’s just the way I was raised” Prejean tied the knot in July with Oakland raiders quarterback Kyle Boller. Before Prejean, Boller had the misfortune of being linked to Tara Reid.

Reid, meanwhile, once dated Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots and three time Super Bowl champ. He’s moved up in the world since then, and nowadays is known as Mr. Gisele Bundchen. The two married in February 2009 and had son Benjamin last December.

Tom & Gisele - these pretty pretty people get an extra big picture

Tom and baby mama #1 Bridget Moynahan

In between Tara and Gisele, Tom had time to date and impregnate Bridget Moynahan, best known as Carrie Bradshaw’s romantic rival and Mr. Big’s wife on Sex and the City. The two broke up about the same time she got pregnant with their son, Edward, who was born in August 2007 (by which time Gisele was already in the picture). Gisele has said some pretty annoying things about Edward being her child too, which I’m sure doesn’t sit too well with Ms. Moynahan.

Romo & Underwood
Another player you may remember from his association with celebrity women is Tony Romo, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. In 2006 and 2007 Romo had an on-again off-again relationship with Carrie Underwood (whose summer wedding to NHL star Mike Fisher we talked about here).

Simpson & Romo

Simpson & Johnson

Romo then moved on to Jessica Simpson. They started dating in Novemebr 2007, and shortly thereafter she showed up to a game wearing a pink version of his jersey. Romo had a terrible game that day, and Jessica earned the ire of Dallas fans. After a rocky few years Romo dumped Jessica on the eve of her 29th birthday. Apparently Papa Joe Simpson was trying to become his agent, so I can’t say I blame him. Still, the timing was a little rough. You may have recently read that Simpson is now dating former football player Eric Johnson. Any bets on how long that will last?

Kendra & Hank

Our last couple of the day has also been in the news lately. Former playmate and girlfriend of Hugh Hefner, Kendra Wilkinson, married football player Hank Baskett in June 2007 at the Playboy mansion. Their life together and the birth of their son in December 2009 have been featured on their reality show Kendra. But last May a sex tape starring Kendra and an unidentified man was leaked, and apparently Hank was not too happy about it. Then last week, he was released from his team the Philadelphia Eagles. He has just been picked up by the Minnesota Vikings though, and they won today, so maybe things are looking up for him.

Tomorrow our Monday Man will feature another NFL/celebrity couple, and this is one relationship that I personally am rooting for to last. Stay tuned!

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